Meeting(s) Information

These are the three things we usually

1. Highlanders. This is the Youth Group open to teenagers (Middle to High School). It meets sunday night at 5:30pm in the Church's basement (aka the Land High Zone).

2. Higherland. This is the College-Age Group open to 18-25yr olds (High School Seniors to College Seniors). It meets the sundays night at 7:30pm also in the Church basement.

3. Highestland. This is a once-a-month event. They are open to teenagers and college students alike. It could be a movie night, a nerf war, a dance party, cook-off, manover, makeover, and whatever else we can get away with doing! It is a chance to have fun with young adults in the Highland area that are or are not involved with the church.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Hello, not goodbye

Hello Highlanders and Higherland students,

This will be my last post as the Youth and Young Adult Pastor of Highland Christian Church on our website. I am writing this blog now to tell about my leaving and express my deepest concerns and cares for all of you.

I have somewhat backed myself into a corner. Because of Detouring to ASU my first year of college and having 2 majors and a minor at MCC, I have many classes to take in order to graduate on time. Either I had to take a "victory lap" (go another year) and get into serious debt but stay at Highland. Or I could focus on my academics for the next year to graduate to start a ministry career full time and be financially responsible, at the cost of hanging up my hat at Highland. That cost of leaving Highland is heavy. It's because you guys are worth more than me spreading myself thin. If I were to stay that would mean everything I would minister at Highland would be settling for less, I would not be able to fully commit to our church. I do believe, even though I don't want to, this is best for everyone. Thank you so much for those of you that have been a part of this ministry.

For those of you that were there our first year together (2008-2009) - Thank You. I'll never forget those first meetings where it was Trevor S, Geoffrey H, Shayln F, Emily F, Kyle F, Taylor C, Taryn G, Brady A, Derek G, Alex R, Landon A, and others patiently waiting on me as I figured it out what exactly I was supposed to do. You guys were awesome, and for the most part took it pretty easy on me my first year while I figured out the "ropes" of youth ministry. Who knows, maybe I still don't have them figured out. Either way, I really appreciate you guys surviving through it all.

Then, for most of you who have been here this last year (2009-2010) - We have had a lot of fun and have all grown together with the help of Christ. I still can't believe how much our youth ministry has matured and evolved since that first year. We have done some redondulus games, sang some extreme songs, lived out some incredible nights together (some till dawn), learned amazing stories and principles in the Bible, and have encountered God in a way that I hope stays with us for many years to come. I have a lot of people to thank for how well this last year has gone:

Scott Fitch: You're the MAN!!! - Thanks for having my back and helping me learn how to be a minister
Paula Whitacre - You're the backbone of our church's Youth Ministry, I know we'll do fine if you're still there.
Tony French: you were my home away from home at times and gave me much needed spiritual discernment in more times than I have fingers and toes to count with- thank you so much.
Kyron Bedunnah - You've been a great cousin-minister and a wonderful youth ministry consultant in the tough jams.
Jeff Sagstetter - You're the best youth ministry professor ever! No Brown Nosing intended, you really helped me get through some fixes, thanks for the holy cheat codes.
Debra Gregory and the Youth Ministry Team: You've done a great job serving God this last year and I know you'll exceed expectations again.
The Board of Elders & Deacons: Thank you for not killing and/or firing me - we both know I deserved it a couple of times.
Nathan Irby: Dude! you were there for 2 whole semesters doing ministry alongside me man, thank you for helping being a spiritual guide in Highland.
Sarah Rhodes: You were a very faithful servant-minister willing to do whatever the youth ministry needed - thank you very much.
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Tyrone Tatem (Josh & Kat): You guys were great role models when we needed them the most.
Corey Hull: Couldn't have asked for a better High School Ministry Intern, thanks for ministering in Highlanders.
Jeremiah Evans: Best Rational mind among us; thanks for giving me insight when I was too hyped up on Diet Dr. Pepper to know better, you were a great Higherland intern minister.
David Rocha: Aside from turning the whole youth group against me and Creed, you've done a great job connecting with our students. Thanks for making an impact on their lives.
"Found in the Fields" and AWAKENING Worship Bands: Thanks you guys were both awesome.
UNLOCKED Lock In Team: Holy Toledo, I didn't think all of you would survive the night, sure maybe 5, but not all of you - good job, thanks a ton. Thank you everyone else who has helped with one of our many lock-ins.
The Highlanders Youth Group Students: Thank you for being willing to particpate and be a part of the group.
The Higherland College Group Students: Thank you for giving church a shot, I hope it has made a big impact on your life as you look for a church in your future lives.

I came up with a corny, yet appropriate, catch phrase for our youth ministry this last summer. Go HIGH, Don't LAND. I thought it didn't need an explanation, but here is one just in case. Go High, means that we aim our lives to a high standard of living like Jesus Christ. It is more than just WWJD (What would Jesus do), it is: what would Jesus want me to do. We aim our lives for Christ. Don't Land, means that we are not going to lower ourselves to the standard of this fallen and broken world. We will not settle for anything less than what God has prepared for us, and that means not acting like everyone else around us in a way that would dishonor God. I challenge you to keep this catch phrase as your own, I know I will.

Looking back to that first time that guy with a big mustache (Scott) came and talked with me at the end of VBS 2008 and even to last week at the Baccalaureate service at D-West High School I know I will always think of Highland fondly. I've even joked that the first 'new' car I am going to buy will be a Toyota "Highlander." (Forget a joke, that's what I am doing). I don't regret committing to Highland the last two years even though I know I was encouraged to be selfish by some to just stay in Manhattan while in College and sit around watching others do ministry. This leads me to a note I want to leave you with. I want to say goodbye, but hello is more befitting.

The Beatles came out with a great song in their hay day known as, Hello Goodbye - and some of the lyrics went like this,
"Hello Hello
I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello (Repeat)"
Yes, I am leaving. But don't say goodbye to me. Say hello to new opportunities God can use you. Paul in the Bible, and specifically the book of acts, was known to start a whole new church from scratch stay there for four months and then leave it in the hands of someone else. I am not comparing myself to Paul, but you! God can put us in incredible situations where we need to step up in. So we can do this one of two ways.

The first way is the best way so I am not going to waste any words on describing the negativity of the other option. But the option we are going to take is not dwelling on the past and repeatedly saying goodbye. Instead we will be saying hello to what God has in store for Highland every upcoming year, month, weekend, and hour. So, whether it is our next better youth pastor, or random event/activity, or even a lesson - we are going to position ourselves to receive what God has in store for the community of Highland, KS - Doniphan County.

I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello.

Hello Highland,
-Andy Gibbons

Video of the Week

We are going to talk about this in youth group.

Map of Church's Location in Highland, KS

Map of Church's Location in Highland, KS