Meeting(s) Information

These are the three things we usually

1. Highlanders. This is the Youth Group open to teenagers (Middle to High School). It meets sunday night at 5:30pm in the Church's basement (aka the Land High Zone).

2. Higherland. This is the College-Age Group open to 18-25yr olds (High School Seniors to College Seniors). It meets the sundays night at 7:30pm also in the Church basement.

3. Highestland. This is a once-a-month event. They are open to teenagers and college students alike. It could be a movie night, a nerf war, a dance party, cook-off, manover, makeover, and whatever else we can get away with doing! It is a chance to have fun with young adults in the Highland area that are or are not involved with the church.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Highestland Costume Party

Hello Highland,

Just two items for discussion.

1. We will have Highlanders Youth Group and Higherland College Group every sunday night now instead of spread out like first planned.

2. This month's Highestland is on October 28th Wednesday at 7pm in the Basement. The theme is trunk 'r' treat, which is basically a fellowship party for teenagers and young adults who may be a little too old to Trick or Treat. Best thing about this Highestland event - it is a costume party! You can buy one or make one yourself (like I am going to) just show up in one. We will talk about it this sunday night.

Go High
Don't Land,

Andy Gibbons

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Highestland, Highlanders, and Higherland

Hello Highland,

Our once a month event Highestland was pretty fun this last wednesday. As a reminder Highestland is our once a month party at the church for us and our friends that might not ever go to church if we don't invite them. Next month Highestland is on Wednesday October 28 and the Theme is trunk r treat; so make sure you have a costume!

Highlanders Youth Group: Starting this sunday our lesson series is going to be talking about respect. Sure respect your parentals and authorities, but also respect your surroundings, people, God, and even yourself at times. Andy, Nathan, Josh, Kat, Alex, Kyle, and whoever else wants to help can next weekend when we take Chalk over to the High School and write stuff or draw stuff on the sidewalks about our Youth Group. See ya Sunday at 5:30pm.

Higherland College Group: We are the middle of our "Contextual Controversy" series this week as we look at John 10 and Jesus' statement "I am the gate." This series will hopefully provide us with a way of looking at and knowing Jesus the way he really is and not some wussy guy the world wants to pass him off as. Jesus is very controversial. See ya Sunday at 7:30.

Go High,
Don't Land,
-Youth/College Pastor Andy Gibbons

Video of the Week

We are going to talk about this in youth group.

Map of Church's Location in Highland, KS

Map of Church's Location in Highland, KS