Meeting(s) Information

These are the three things we usually

1. Highlanders. This is the Youth Group open to teenagers (Middle to High School). It meets sunday night at 5:30pm in the Church's basement (aka the Land High Zone).

2. Higherland. This is the College-Age Group open to 18-25yr olds (High School Seniors to College Seniors). It meets the sundays night at 7:30pm also in the Church basement.

3. Highestland. This is a once-a-month event. They are open to teenagers and college students alike. It could be a movie night, a nerf war, a dance party, cook-off, manover, makeover, and whatever else we can get away with doing! It is a chance to have fun with young adults in the Highland area that are or are not involved with the church.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

The RAVE is coming, The RAVE is coming

The Higherlanders' RAVE:

More intel on Facebook's group "Youth @ Highland Christian Church"

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Highestland Costume Party

Hello Highland,

Just two items for discussion.

1. We will have Highlanders Youth Group and Higherland College Group every sunday night now instead of spread out like first planned.

2. This month's Highestland is on October 28th Wednesday at 7pm in the Basement. The theme is trunk 'r' treat, which is basically a fellowship party for teenagers and young adults who may be a little too old to Trick or Treat. Best thing about this Highestland event - it is a costume party! You can buy one or make one yourself (like I am going to) just show up in one. We will talk about it this sunday night.

Go High
Don't Land,

Andy Gibbons

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Highestland, Highlanders, and Higherland

Hello Highland,

Our once a month event Highestland was pretty fun this last wednesday. As a reminder Highestland is our once a month party at the church for us and our friends that might not ever go to church if we don't invite them. Next month Highestland is on Wednesday October 28 and the Theme is trunk r treat; so make sure you have a costume!

Highlanders Youth Group: Starting this sunday our lesson series is going to be talking about respect. Sure respect your parentals and authorities, but also respect your surroundings, people, God, and even yourself at times. Andy, Nathan, Josh, Kat, Alex, Kyle, and whoever else wants to help can next weekend when we take Chalk over to the High School and write stuff or draw stuff on the sidewalks about our Youth Group. See ya Sunday at 5:30pm.

Higherland College Group: We are the middle of our "Contextual Controversy" series this week as we look at John 10 and Jesus' statement "I am the gate." This series will hopefully provide us with a way of looking at and knowing Jesus the way he really is and not some wussy guy the world wants to pass him off as. Jesus is very controversial. See ya Sunday at 7:30.

Go High,
Don't Land,
-Youth/College Pastor Andy Gibbons

Saturday, August 22, 2009

New "Stuff" that we all need to know

This is yet another update on what 'stuff' is going on at our church before another year begins on September 6th. That way no returner is left in the dark and every newcomer can check out what we are before coming....

  • Our Highestland Leaders: Highlanders Youth Group Leader and Higherland College Age Group Leader; have been chosen for this year. Alex Rodgers will be the Higherland Leader and Kyle Fitch will be the Highlanders Leader.
  • Reminder: Starting September 6th we change our meeting time from Wednesday nights to Sunday nights. Highlanders Youth Group meets at 5:30 and Higherland College Age Group meets at 7:30.
  • Highestland: "Redefining High, one month at a time." Highestland is our once a month big event that is open to Highlanders, Higherland, and non-attenders alike. Each month's event will have a different theme of awesomeness.
  • If you can play an instrument we are always reconsidering our Youth band make up. Currently there is Youth/College Pastor Andy on Guitar and Geoffrey Hargis on the Djembe Drum. Just let Andy know what skills you got!
  • If you've got any questions just email 
Hope this helps.
Go High, Don't Land,
Andy Gibbons

Saturday, August 1, 2009

This Is Our Year!

Hi guys,

As a quick blurb I just wanted to refresh or renew everyones minds before this upcoming kick butt year of youth group. As you may know already the day and time we are meeting is kind of up in the air right now.... so thats why you have a chance to vote on it. Other than that we've got everything planned out for a great year. To just get a grasp on what's coming, here is a preview:
  • Accountability Partners (Pending you tell me who you want)
  • Worship lead by our own mini band
  • Better Lessons (First 20 Lessons are already written and ready)
  • More Fellowship opportunities : Highestland(once a month event), movie nights, manovers, Makeovers (aka womanover), and Prayer nights.
  • Growing experiences: outreach to our friends, training for leaders, fundraisers (yes I did say fundraisers), and having a College age group after youth group.

Just so that everyone is clear on the names of stuff at the church I will explain it again.

  1. Youth @ Highland Christian Church: Simply incorporates everything relating to us
  2. Higherland: The College Age Group's name; 18-25yr olds or H.S. Seniors to college seniors
  3. Highlanders: The Youth Group's name: open to Jr.-Sr. High students
  4. Highestland: A once a month event open to all Youth @ HCC and non attenders alike
  5. Admonishers & Encouragers (A&E): A Christian Accountability Partner system
  6. Manover: A "Manly Sleepover" for the young men of the youth group.
  7. Made-overs: A rare lady like event for the young women of the Youth @ HCC.
  8. Movie Nights: A casual get together in the sanctuary to watch a movie and then pray.
  9. Godcert: When a band from the Christian College comes to perform and lead worship

We are going to have an awesome year together, I can hardly wait untill it all begins.

Shalom in the Home,


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Admonishers & Encouragers (A&E)

Give me your requests for new Accountability Siblings on Facebook:

Hello Youth of Highland Christian Church!

Well its about time for you to get new (or keep) Accountability Siblings. We will be changing A&E up a little so that it will be easier for everyone to follow the program. (I know everyone gave up on it last time). What you will be doing with your Accountability Sibling will be following the youth group lesson track and it will grow you deeper in Christ.

So with no further Delay, please start telling me who you would want to be Accountability Siblings with (at least 2 person requests). Last time I pretty much just assigned you. But this time I want to put you with someone you would actually be a brother or sister to, so I want to know you're requests. If you feel comfortable then post your minimum 2 person request here on the discussion board, or if you would rather prefer you can message me privately your requests.

Just let me know by the end of July so I can get everything ready for Admonishers & Encouragers to begin in August/September.

Leadership Positions

Starting in September the Youth of Highland Christian Church will have six leaders that will meet weekly with the Youth Pastor.

These Six Leadership positions are: (in no particular order of importance)

1. Male Orientation Leader: Welcoming/Visiting/Eating with/Following up with male guests or new male members.

2. Female Orientation Leader: Welcoming/Visiting/Eating with/Following up with female guests or female new members.

3. Web Leader: Administer of Facebook Group (sending group wide messages, inviting new people, uploading pictures, and updating current news or events), Administering the Youth website (, and taking pictures.

4. Outreach Leader: Main flyer hander outer, Designer of flyers & posters (The youth artist), Works with orientation leaders in following up, idea machine, and finds new ways to reach peers in the Highland area.

5. Highlanders' Leader: The youth group's main go to person after Andy, works media at youth group, prays/opens youth group, runs the game, and helps Andy at Youth Group.

6. Higherland's Leader: The College age group's main go to person after Andy, works media at meeting, prays/opens meeting, runs the game, and helps Andy at the meeting.

If you are interested in serving in one of these capacities for a year then please contact Andy on Facebook through a message or the discussion board on the youth's Group.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Youth Pastor Blogging

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to add a personal touch to our youth group blog everyone once and a while so here is a chance. However, with how much all of you have impacted my life most of what may be "personal" for me - may very well involve yourselves too!

What I want to just touch on for a moment is the topic of lessons that I will be giving at camp this summer. Both the High Schoolers and the Middle Schoolers will get a chance to hear them for their respective camp weeks. Basically I have titled them "No Regrets," which means that as Christians our lifestyles and choices should give us no sense of regret because we know that we tried our hardest to serve, love, obey, and/or trust in him as much as we were capable of. Obviously this can cover many areas and because of this we will be looking through different stories in the Bible that we encounter either regret or anti-regret. For an example, Isaiah was the only prophet that volunteered to be a prophet - but he immediately regretted it (And we'll see why). That is actually the first lesson. I hope these lessons will help you open your minds to the possibilities God can use you with if you let your potential be more than just potential.

So go to camp. If you think you can't afford it - think again and come talk to me about it. If you have an excuse then keep it to yourself, because it's probably lame and I don't want to hear it.

June 20th will mark the 1 year anniversary of my service at this church (If you don't include last year's VBS). Highland Christian Church decided to hire their first youth minister since the early 90's. And now after an awesome year of ministry I can firmly say that the christian youth of Highland is back! I have thoroughly enjoyed working with all of you (teens and adults) and I just want to thank you for this chance to serve the Lord. Now with that said, let's keep the future in mind. I have at least 2 more years to go, the core of the youth group next year are going to be seniors, we have more middle school attenders than ever before, and only a little more awareness of our existence to the community. Let's take a closer look at these four things.

These four things are what I want you all to be chewing on, as I will be, while I am gone on my internship for 5 weeks in July. The first is that I promised the Elders of this church that I would serve the Lord here as a minimum until I graduate in May 2011 or if they asked me to leave. Neither of those two things are happening for a while, hopefully the 2nd will never happen. My point is that I will be getting better at my work which means that if a punk like me is getting better you youth better be getting better for the Lord too. Meaning step out more as a christian, invite possible christian friends to youth group, volunteer to help more when it is needed, be willing to pull alongside your younger brothers and sisters in Christ to help them grow in their Christian maturity. However, all this means is that I will eventually be leaving. Maybe 2011, maybe even 2012 - But I will be leaving sooner than everyone will know. That is why beginning next year I am going to allow interns from the Christian college (who actually go there for youth ministry and not preaching ministry) to let them become familiar with you and hopefully do more than just replace me when the church has to grow past my limited abilities. I am letting you know this because I don't want to keep anything major like this from you.

Next, the core of the youth group next year are going to be Seniors. This has one huge Pro, one huge Con, and one huge possible solution. The Huge Pro is that our youth group will be kicking next year. Everything we do will more than likely be better, more well attended, better done, and more deeper in the Word. However, the huge con is that after next year our core will be gone and the youth group could end up just loosely together. That is unless we do something about it. There is a huge solution and it involves the Core very heavily. Remember what the third thing was, we have a lot more middle schoolers and freshmen this year either at the youth group or interested. Meaning we must make sure the Seniors pull up the younger teens and train them as Christian young adults so that they will be ahead of the game. That is why I also bring up the third thing because all of you middle schooler and young high schoolers --- you need to start preparing yourself for greater things God has in store for you in the very near future. And seniors next year be prepared yourself, because not only will you be part of the most crack-a-lacking youth group around, you also hold its future in your hands.

Last but not least, is our community's awareness of our existence. We have to get it out there more. Some know of us, but not enough. And not only should more of your peers now about us, more of them should be invited or at least welcomed if they show up by their own free will. I haven't been very impressed in this area, but that's okay we still have time to work on it together. We have a Community College in this town which we must recognize, after all Highland probably wouldn't be in as good of shape it is right now without it. That is why starting in September we are starting Higher Land that is a ministry specifically for College Age Young Adults. Seniors of High School will be the first members of this group and will be the first outreach team with me as the leader to the college itself. This is our community outreach on the west side of town. On the East side of town we will have an outreach team set up for the High School. There will be three Senior Leaders (Guy, Gal, and Head Leader) and then various High Schoolers from the Youth Group that will be part of a system to reach out to christians and maybe soon to be christians at D-West that don't have a youth group to be a part of. This is going to be big and is important for everyone to be part of, from the oldest to the youngest.

I hope you all think about these things more, because they are impossible to get out of my head or off my heart right now. I want to serve God with everything I have got here in Highland, KS - I just ask that you try the same.

For you teenagers who are still finding yourself as Christians amidst this broken generation I have a few things I'd like to mention to you that I really wish someone had told me during one of my many boring summers. Following Christ isn't just a religion or a title, it is literally taking a precedent before anything in your life (family, friends, video games, cell phones, money, and everything). Do not remember what I just said merely as just a fact and store it away some where in the back of your skull. Rather remember it as a way to live, your mind set, your perspective on life, and as your world view. That God comes before all else, his love for us is above all else, Him and those who love and put him first will last after all else. If you don't believe AND practice this type of life and have no interest in putting God before all the 'stuff' of the World than go away. God can use/reach the lost and the found, but if you don't admit to being either then he doesn't want anything to do with you. (Rev 3:15-16). I am not singling anyone out except for as a reminder to myself and as a general message/reminder to the whole youth group and our whole congregation here in highland.

I pray for each of you that have a hand in this youth group. May God Bless You! But if he doesn't - buck up and continue following and living for him, don't let the World restrain you from doing your best even if you aren't in the best situation.

Shalom in da Home,
Andy Gibbons
Youth Minister
Highland Christian Church

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Youth Calendars from May - August

Here are the next four months.

(Announcement underneath)

Summer Announcement

Hello Highland Christian Youth and others!

This is going to be the first announcement of many for the upcoming summer. With summer approaching this gives us all a great chance to serve God more intentionally without anything distracting us. That is why we will have selected times to serve (like adopt-a-highway and mowing people’s lawns) and times for fellowship (C.A.T.S. = Conditioning Andy To Sports). Not to mention occasional excursions to Pizza Hut after service, Nerf Wars, Wo-Manover, Movie Nights, and the In-Tents weeks of Camp we get to look forward to. This summer is going to be awesome!
That is why I am asking you all to try and stay connected with the Youth Group this summer. I have heard in years past that nothing goes on with the students during summer at the church! Let’s change that. We will have a Sabbatical (Time off), from July 8th to August 5th when we will be taking a break from Youth Group to recuperate before the next year of School begins. However, we are going to be part of a youth ministry that function in our own way this summer and attracts others to be a part of as well. Stay connected: on Facebook of course but also with the youth group blog at by making it one of your homepages or putting it in your favorites. Give God your all and let some of that be to the Youth Group too!

In His Service,
Andy Gibbons ♂ Youth Pastor
Highland Christian Church

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Friday, April 3, 2009

Sunrise Service and Christian Insomnia

Yo peoples,

Considering this is the first post in a really long time it will mean all the more reason for you to listen up. As some of you know we are having a Sunrise Service out by the Highschool on Easter morning that will consist of us doing a skit with your lines in front of you to read from. So because of that I don't think it would be too much to ask you to practice them, and also to practice them together. This together will be on Saturday at 3pm-4:30pm at the church so try to be there. (I know the middle school track girls wont be able to make it) This is our last real chance to practice, so lets do it!

Something else to be looking forward to is our upcoming lock-in titled "Christian Insomnia" on April 18th at 8pm. The night will start off with a concert at 8pm by the band Found in the Fields of new contemporary music who will lead us in worship in the sanctuary portion of the church. From there we will break up into our small groups (both middle and high school) and begin the lock in. We will have games and food like normal, but less video game time and more sports. Start inviting your friends now so that they can make plans ahead of time to be able to make it. I will give flyers to you guys on the 8th for you to put around your schools and town. This all nighter is going to be better than the last two put together so be ready for that. The youth group before that saturday we are soley preparing for the all nighter so we are ready for everybody and ourselves. God bless and pray for us all.


Monday, February 16, 2009

Youth Group Lesson

Aside from the fact that Brady was the camera operator the video turned out great. Some side affects that can come from a high TK dosage is blurred vision, roller coaster movement, and undistinguishable giggles that are louder than the speaking Youth Minister.....

You may want to take a break half way through, or about the time you get sea sickness, so that you don't up chuck all over your keyboard.

I may have to upload it again in a different format....

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Here are our plans for the next three Months!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Third Format Update

This week's Third Format is now available for your viewing.

Remember,... Couches, meeting time change, superbowl party, and friday phone calls.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Official Meeting Time Change

Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to remind everyone that the time we officially change the youth group meeting time is February 4th at 6:30pm, while the Young Men's Group will start at 6pm. However, we are still meeting this sunday night at 5pm, and YMG still at 4:30pm. Just think of the February 4th wednesday taking over when we would have met the following Sunday night. Hope that was simple enough, if not comment on this and I will answer any questions.

Shalom in the Home,

Andy Gibbons

P.S. I will be posting a video later tonight about the other big updates (i.e. couches, service, etc.)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Third Format Grand Opening

THIS is our first weekly video! Feel free to make comments.

You may need to turn the volume all the way up....

Video of the Week

We are going to talk about this in youth group.

Map of Church's Location in Highland, KS

Map of Church's Location in Highland, KS