Meeting(s) Information

These are the three things we usually

1. Highlanders. This is the Youth Group open to teenagers (Middle to High School). It meets sunday night at 5:30pm in the Church's basement (aka the Land High Zone).

2. Higherland. This is the College-Age Group open to 18-25yr olds (High School Seniors to College Seniors). It meets the sundays night at 7:30pm also in the Church basement.

3. Highestland. This is a once-a-month event. They are open to teenagers and college students alike. It could be a movie night, a nerf war, a dance party, cook-off, manover, makeover, and whatever else we can get away with doing! It is a chance to have fun with young adults in the Highland area that are or are not involved with the church.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Youth Group Lesson

Aside from the fact that Brady was the camera operator the video turned out great. Some side affects that can come from a high TK dosage is blurred vision, roller coaster movement, and undistinguishable giggles that are louder than the speaking Youth Minister.....

You may want to take a break half way through, or about the time you get sea sickness, so that you don't up chuck all over your keyboard.

I may have to upload it again in a different format....

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Here are our plans for the next three Months!

Video of the Week

We are going to talk about this in youth group.

Map of Church's Location in Highland, KS

Map of Church's Location in Highland, KS